Monday, January 6, 2014

Start the Year Right--GRADUATION VIDEOS!

Hey gang!
I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season and a nice couple of weeks off. (I know I did!)

I'm excited to share with you the graduation videos from last session, which I think are the very best batch yet!
Here's Thursday Guitar 2 Rep's Satellite of Love in Szold Hall:
AND a bonus!!! Your triumphant non-graduation GIG debut from Friday the 20th at the Armitage location's Lou Reed tribute. I have not stopped getting compliments about this for 2 weeks, guys. No joke. You really nailed it!

Saturday's Guitar 2 class aka Team Mary & Larry did an equally awesome job with The Old Country Waltz--and big thanks to Mrs. Larry for once again serving as camerawoman!

And last but CERTAINLY not least, Guitar 1 on Sunday had the hardest job to do, and really pulled it off despite choosing a song they'd only learned in the 20 minutes before showtime AND my technical difficulties with accessory percussion. Now THAT is how you rock and roll (or jingle, as the case may be).

It was truly a pleasure to be your teacher this past session, and I look forward to seeing many of you again this week!


  1. Exciting news for Jane!:

  2. Oh yes! I'm well aware, though I'm hoping that Parlophone will release them altogether as a boxed set at some point in time. Siiiigh.
