Wednesday, June 12, 2013

G1R Summary

At long last--here's a rundown of songs and strums we've covered this session, for your reference:

California Stars --
Golden Strum (V V^ ^ V^), otherwise known as D, DU, U, DU

Three Little Birds --
Reggae Strum (V^ ^ ^ ^), or DU, U, U, U; regular down-up on the first beat, upstrums on the "and" only for the remaining three beats

Evangeline --
In 3/4 time, aka a waltz. Down strums on all three beats; pick the bass note on the first beat

Linger --
For most of the song: Quarter Quarter Eighth-eighth Eighth-eighth (V V V^ V^), also known as down down down-up down-up.
The riff at the beginning uses triplets (trip-el-lets) and broken chords. Instead of subdividing the beat into two parts like you do for eighth notes ("one and"/ down-up), you subdivide into 3 parts: "one-e-and". Strum straight down the broken chord, hitting one string at a time like an elevator making all stops down.
You play one triplet per beat so a full measure is 12 notes long.

Under the Boardwalk --
Golden Strum (V V^ ^ V^), otherwise known as D, DU, U, DU
Remember the stop-chords in the chorus. You strum those over two measures on 1,2 and 4,1. BOARD-WALK (pause for one beat) BOARD-WALK (pause for three beats)

The One I Love --
Golden Strum (V V^ ^ V^), otherwise known as D, DU, U, DU
Play the riff INSTEAD of the first measure of Em in each line of the chorus (under "fire!")

Everyday is Like Sunday --
Quarter Quarter Eighth-eighth Eighth-eighth (V V V^ V^), also known as down down down-up down-up.

(Thursday class only)
Take it to the Limit --
Golden Strum (V V^ ^ V^), otherwise known as D, DU, U, DU
There are some self-explanatory stop-chords in there too.

WHEW! That is a lot of turf we've covered! Don't forget that we also banged out a bunch of tunes from the songbook using the Golden Strum too.
Let me know if you have any questions about any of this. You've done brave and good work this session!

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